Phone Addiction Test

Phone Addiction Test

Take the Smartphone Compulsion Test, Now

  1. What best describes you? 
  2. Do you find yourself spending more time on your phone than you realize?
  3. Do you find yourself mindlessly passing time on a regular basis by staring at your phone?
  4. Do you seem to lose track of time when on your phone?
  5. Do you find yourself spending more time texting, tweeting or emailing as opposed to talking to people in person?
  6. Has the amount of time you spend on your smartphone been increasing?
  7. Do you wish you could be a little less involved with your phone?
  8. Do you sleep with your phone (turned on) under your pillow or next to your bed regularly?
  9. Do you find yourself viewing and answering texts, tweets and emails at all hours of the day and night—even when it means interrupting other things you are doing?
  10. Do you text, email, tweet or browse while driving or doing other similar activities that require your focused attention and concentration?
  11. Do you feel your use of your phone decreases your productivity at times?
  12. Do you feel reluctant to be without your phone, even for a short time?
  13. Do you feel uncomfortable when you accidentally leave your smartphone in the car or at home, have no service or have a broken phone?
  14. When you eat meals, is your phone always part of the table place setting?
  15. When your cell or smartphone rings, beeps or buzzes, do you feel an intense urge to check for texts, tweets, emails, updates, etc.?
  16. Do you find yourself mindlessly checking your phone many times a day, even when you know there is likely nothing new or important to see?
  17. Please, leave your email
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